Have you ever been standing in an aisle at the grocery store with eyes glazed over by the multitude of options lining the shelves before you?
All you really wanted to do was run in and pick up a loaf of bread and a gallon of milk.
There’s no telling how many times I’ve either said to myself or out loud to a fellow shopper, “There’s too many choices!”
In this world saturated with multiple choices, I believe you will be delighted to find out that there are only two ways in which believers in Christ can choose to live.
Grab yourself a cup of coffee (or your beverage of choice), your Bible, and maybe a journal and tune in to what the Spirit of Christ wants to share with you concerning the delightful simplicity of expressing your new life in Him.

“My righteous bride, there are only two ways in which those who belong to Me can choose to walk in this world: in trusting dependence on My 24/7/365 indwelling Spirit or in reliance on the flesh.”
“The flesh is not the old man (sin nature).”
“Your sin nature, the ‘old you before Me,’ was crucified with Me on the cross.”
“It is history.”
“Walking by the flesh is a way of living in this world that is rooted in the deception of Satan, the enemy of your heart.”
“The deception that who you are was not changed at salvation and that you can get your needs met apart from Me.”
“When you walk by the flesh, you are living just as if you are not one spirit with Me.”
“The heart of all sin (walking according to the flesh) is the independent, I-can-do-it-myself mindset.”
“It is impossible for you to walk by My Spirit and the flesh at the same time.”
“Both ways of living are polar opposites.”
“Walking by My Spirit is all about our union and your dependence on My power within you to carry out our common desire: holiness.”
“That’s right.”
“Your heart’s desires are in complete harmony with Mine.”
“That happened the very moment you first believed into Me.”
“On the other hand, walking by the flesh is all about you forgetting our union and attempting to do life apart from My inspiration and empowerment.”
“It takes time for you to develop the habit of reliance on My supernatural resources instead of on your natural strength and abilities.”
“From the time you were born, the ways of this world conditioned you for self-sufficient independence.”
“So give yourself a break when you realize you are walking by the flesh rather than by My Spirit.”
“Adjust your focus to walking in the truth of Our eternal union, and you will experience happiness in the harmony of doing life together with Me.”
Dear reader, is your soul longing to experience the sweet simplicity that comes from realizing that your heart’s desires are in harmony with Christ’s indwelling Spirit, and all you really want to do is let Him power the expression of your holy union with Him?
Today’s post is an excerpt from my newest book, Fifty Days in His Pursuing Love Devotional: Getting to Know the One Who Loved You First and Loves You Most.
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